Sunday, October 28, 2012


When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.
- Henri Nouwen

My good friend is celebrating her birthday today. Today marks the end of her quarter life crisis. Twenty-six years and she have done so much in her life. She has her own car, how about that! J

 ( Friendster testi starts now). She is tough. She is passionate. Best friend. Good daughter. Thoughtful tita. She is hopelessly romantic (that I doubt if she would agree on). Music is her life that playing guitar and singing herself out loud isn’t enough, she had a G-clef inked in her body ( wala naming facebook si tita no?).

We have been friends since forever. She helped me through my trying times. She is honest. I can say that she is one of the few who knows me too well. I can tell her everything and anything, my unorganized thoughts, my ever-changing dreams, just everything. And also, she is also one of the few whom I don’t feel the need of saying anything. She knows me, I’m not that loud when it comes to the deeper side of me and I’m glad that she respects that.

If  she’s here in Manila and celebrating her birthday, we probably would have dinner with the Miguelin girls. Laughing with the same old stories, drinking coffee, and laughing again with stories we created from the same old stories.

My dear friend Rennette, you know that I wish nothing but only the best for you. You have been through a lot and I always ask God to reward you with the things you most deserved. I tasted your pain and your anger, I see you rise and fall and move forward. I hope that as you give sunshine to everyone you know and you don’t know, that along the way you will find your own sunshine.  

Needless to say, you know that I’m always here, we, are always here for you.

Thank you for the friendship!

Cheers to the 26 years of life!



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