Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Level up, baby!

I don’t understand why some people will try so hard to take one’s sunshine.

I’m very furious about this hater(s) my friend has. All she does is to post or email her harsh comments about her life, her past and just everything about her.
And also, my friend’s facebook account has been hacked, and what this hacker does is to post unnecessary, below-the-belt status and comments.

For those who have been cyber- bullied or bullied in any way possible: Just don’t let them take away your sunshine. It is very tempting to fight back, to get even, but just let them fulfill their purpose in life. And that is to live just to make others life miserable, to take somebody’s light, only to find out that they are haunted by their own shadows and skeletons.
I feel for my friends, all I want to do is to track down those people who are treating them bad and get even for them. It’s not because I’m a good friend or what, it’s just that I know my friends, I know their battles, their life-bearings, their miseries and regrets. And I don’t understand why there are pathetic people who are hiding their real names behind false names only to cause more worries.

And to those who are abusing the so- called freedom of expression, and to those who uses this right as a weapon to hurt people, you are way better than this. Aren’t you raised to only say things that make sense? Aren’t you raised to speak when it is appropriate? Do you need an elaborate definition and examples of constructive and destructive criticisms?

Dear my friends’ detractors, I thank you because you are just showing my friends how brave they are by showing them how insecure you are. Thank you for being the sandpaper that refines them. Thank you for all your efforts to drag them down. And I pity you, I pity you because you have to hide your identity because you know for a fact how lame your actions are. I pity you because you are self-centered and narrow-minded. These people have gone through so much in life but they are still standing. They have been wounded and maybe as of the moment are still healing, but they are still embracing your harsh words hoping that, that still will make them stronger.
There will always be people who will try to destroy you. And they will never succeed, because these people are born losers. But I want to help these people by giving them an unsolicited advice:

Life is unfair, you may have been wronged by other people, in one way or another, maybe you have been bullied or maybe, the people you are berating have done unforgivable things to you. But all you have to do is to level up. Would you want to be the reason why some concludes life is unfair? Would you want to be one who takes away their sunshine? Would you want to be the sandpaper that refines them? Have you seen how sandpaper looks like after it has done its purpose? It is ugly, it fits only in trash. You wouldn’t want to be there forever. If you feel people have done wrong to you, speak up, have the courage and a heart to face them and tell them how you feel. That is the only way to end the cycle.
We are responsible for our own happiness and miseries.
Create your own weather, and if you can’t, please, try not to take away somebody’s sunshine.


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